Each year, new online scam techniques develop on the internet and attract many victims in their trap. An unprecedented and very dangerous scam has spread since the beginning of 2025.
True digital wounds, phone or computer scams are constantly increasing and transforming over the years. Always more malignant and vicious, approach techniques are never the same and sometimes manage to harm many victims. At the beginning of 2025, a scam particularly distinguished from others for its virulence and dangerousness.
The scam in question uses “Sophisticated social engineering tactics and unpublished means”according to Zimperiumthe private American mobile security company which revealed the existence of the online deception. According to the company, it is essential to know how to spot it and get around it, the scam aimed at “Flying identification information and compromising sensitive data”.
Passwords, gallery, bank card codes … Any information concerning you can be transmitted to scammers if you succumb to the trap. Here is precisely how to identify and counter it.

Qualified as “never seen” By Zimperium, the new scam that swarmed at the beginning of 2025 is based on the corruption of PDF files. PDF (Portable Document Format) are widespread in our daily lives, especially in the professional environment, making the scam even more dangerous. “This tactic uses our confidence in PDFs, which makes recipients more likely to open them,” specifies Zimperium.
Cybercriminals behind this scam would represent a “malicious infrastructure” who could “Potentially impact organizations through more than 50 countries”. Victims can therefore be very numerous.
The tactics used by this new mass scam are to make you click on a link bringing you at first glance on a PDF. But, if you make the mistake of joining this link, you will be brought to a web page “aimed at stealing your sensitive information”all without alerting your device. Thanks to a “Unconventional technique” Deployed by cybercriminals, your phone and computer will not even warn you of the danger incurred.
These dangerous PDF can be shipped to you via an SMS or an email sent by a well -known brand of trust. A real trap, since almost 8% of people receiving such a PDF click on the link shared by the scammers and fall into the panel. We therefore advise you not to open the documents that you receive from unknown or popular brands. The danger is great and the consequences often irreversible.