Never do this – it attracts bears to your yard

Never do this it attracts bears to your yard

Every five years, a national calculation of the total bear population in Sweden is carried out. The last calculation was held in 2017 and it was concluded that there were approximately 2,900 wild bears in Sweden.

The bear’s most important sense is the sense of smell

The bear is a large animal and can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. It is also good at swimming and climbing trees, according to the WWF.

The bear’s most important sense is the sense of smell. They can sometimes stand on their hind legs to get a better scent picture of their immediate area, as their vision is not so sharp.

If you meet a bear in the forest, there is according to WWF some smart things you can do to make the meeting go as smoothly as possible.

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You should do that if you meet a bear in the forest

  • Don’t run! Running can trigger the bear’s hunting instinct, so it is better to walk quietly.
  • Make clear sounds so the bear can hear you all the time.
  • A bear standing on its hind legs does not necessarily mean that it is aggressive, but rather that it is trying to create a better understanding of the immediate area with its sense of smell.
  • Back away slowly and show you are not a threat.
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    Never do this – it attracts bears to your yard

    It is not very common to come across a bear in the forest. But there are certain things that can attract the bears from the forest to your garden plot.

    The County Administrative Board in Dalarna has recently received several calls about people who had bears on their plots.

    According to the wildlife officer Lina Leksell is the food that primarily attracts the bears.

    – It is fall fruit, for example apples. It could be the compost, it could be bird food lying around littering. If you pick away what attracts the bear, they leave quite quickly and don’t want to stay, says wildlife officer Lina Leksell to Aftonbladet.

    During the fall, bears want to eat as much as possible to survive their time in the idet. So if you don’t want to be visited by a bear, it’s a good idea to take care of your fallen fruit.

    – After all, it wants what is easiest to get hold of and if it is lying there in a pile and all you have to do is smack it, they will do it, says Lina Leksell to The evening paper.

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