NEVER do this if the dog is walking through the ice

NEVER do this if the dog is walking through the

When the weather varies between freezing temperatures and cooling spring winds, many pet owners need to think twice before going for a long walk with their furry friend.

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This is how you help the dog that has walked through the ice

According to statistics from Agria, at least 60 dogs die every year as a result of having walked through the ice. In a press release they give their recommendations on what to do if your dog ends up in an ice bath.

If your dog ends up in an ice bath and you manage to bring him up, it’s important to help him as best you can to bring his temperature back up.

  • Dry the dog so that the fur is dry.
  • Let the heating to normal temperature take at least a day.
  • Massage the dog to get the blood circulation going.
  • Allow the dog to move when it is energized to circulate the blood.
  • Here are the dog breeds that survive the winter the worst: “Giant cold”

    The dog expert: Don’t do this if the dog is running on the ice

    However, there is one thing you absolutely should not do, says Agria’s dog expert Patrik Olsson. In the press release, he explains the risk involved in you as an owner trying to trap your pet well out on the ice.

    – As a dog owner, it is important not to run after the dog onto the ice because there is a great risk that it will not support your body weight. Instead, try to lure the dog back to safe ground.

    Should it happen that both you and the dog fall, it will be difficult for both of you to get up. Stay on bare ground, keep an eye on the dog, and make sure it comes on call.

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