This frequent question of the police can be quite disturbing, here is the answer that should absolutely not be given.
Not all people react in the same way in the face of a police check … Even when they have nothing to blame themselves (or they think). If some motorists are able to remain natural when the police are approaching, others can completely lose their means. It is however important to keep calm in such a situation.
Having strange behavior can suggest the police or gendarmes that you have something to blame yourself for. With the possible consequences of having to answer more questions and to undergo a more in -depth inspection of your vehicle.
You may not have noticed it, but many traffic controls start in the same way. After asking you to stop and cut the car engine, the policeman asks a first question that may seem trivial: “Do you know Sir/Madame why were you arrested?” This open question makes it possible to engage the conversation. As no reproach is made to the driver, it is quite easy to gain a little confidence and imagine that the exchange will remain cordial, without the risk of being verbalized. This is actually a trap set by the police who especially want to test your reaction.

It was then that we remember everything that we could have done badly in the previous moments of police control. And as no one is impeccable, when the question arrives “do you know why you were arrested?”, Some motorists managed to convince themselves of having committed a fault – which would explain the fact of having been arrested – and Answer “yes sir” … This is the answer to never give!
If you answer “no”, the policeman will have to continue and give you the reason why he asked you to stop. Most often, as has already been said, because it performs simple road checks. But if you answer “yes”, then you unroll the red carpet. From an apparently banal and harmless question, the trap has closed on you. Because with a “yes”, the policeman will obviously wait for more details from you.
This is where you will admit the unforgivable: having touched your phone two minutes earlier, not having completely immobilized your vehicle at the stop at the top of the street, or having crossed the fire battery when he passed Redly on the Grand Boulevard at the Chinese restaurant. And you will have given the police forces a reason to sanction yourself with an offense which they were absolutely unknown. Admit it’s Ballot! Remember, however, that the best way not to be punished is obviously to know well and respect the highway code.