Netflix’s new “FSK 18-Harry Potter” is critically acclaimed – fantasy series is supposed to shock with a sadistic death scene

Netflixs new FSK 18 Harry Potter is critically acclaimed fantasy

From Friday, fantasy fans can look forward to exciting new series on Netflix. Then The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself comes to stream. The fantasy series is based on Sally Green’s Half Bad book trilogy and follows 16-year-old Nathan, the son of a white witch and the most feared black witch of all time. He ends up in a conflict between good and evil.

First reviews of the series are quite positive and promise one Harry Potter replacement with FSK 18 guarantee. We have collected some reviews for you as a first impression.

Check out the German trailer for The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself here:

The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself – S01 Trailer (German) HD

Reviews of Netflix’s new fantasy series promise a dark mix of Harry Potter and Twilight

Jack Taylor awards 4 out of 5 stars and writes for The Telegraph in addition to the Harry Potter with FSK 18 rating comparison, among other things:

In the middle of the series there is a death sequence so sadistically grotesque, so unusual and complicatedthat you worry about the artist who designed them.

For The Upcoming, Andrew Murray writes that the fantasy series is strong enough stand out from the Netflix mush target:

As far as young adult drama goes, The Bastard Son has the Style, personality and ideas (although they’re more than a little obvious) to resonate with audiences and avoid becoming another victim of cancellation, as has been the case with so many other similar series. Sam Moore compares The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself in his Radio Times review with similar series and also comes to a positive conclusion: The series that The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself is closest to is Shadow and Bone – also from Netflix – since they are pretty clichéd fantasy tropes for young adults by some biting lyrics from an excellent writer and a well-cast cast of likeable actors be upgraded. Also the journalist Nadine O’Reagan was addicted to the Netflix series and watched all eight episodes straight away:

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Speaking of recommending stuff, the new Netflix drama The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself is excellent. Like a cross between Harry Potter & Twilight but with the provocation of skins – 8 episodes gebingt. Soundtrack is amazing too. Plus @roisinmurphy is in. Friday on @Netflix

From the 28th of October you can convince yourself of The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself. Then all eight episodes of the new fantasy series will be available to stream on Netflix.

The 20 best series starts in October: The Walking Dead finale and Netflix horror

Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream in October on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more can be found here in the monthly preview:

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We have checked the long starting lists of the streaming services and present you the 20 big highlights of the month in the Moviepilot podcast stream trawl. Celebrated insider tips like The Bear, the big The Walking Dead finale and lots of spooky series food for Halloween are included.

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Do you want to watch The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself?
