Netflix’s avatar, The Walking Dead supplies and much more

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

A spectacular production year lies behind us. And after we have chosen the best series of 2022, we are now looking ahead. Because in the new year 2023 we can expect some promising innovations at Netflix, Disney+, Amazon and more, which we are already looking forward to with excitement.

We dug through the mass of new series already announced for 2023 (over 100 new Netflix series alone) and made a selection of 23 upcoming series highlights compiled. Whether you like science fiction, horror, fantasy or concentrated action: there is guaranteed to be something for every series taste.

The 23 biggest series highlights 2023 in the podcast preview

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In this edition of our stream browsing podcast, we introduce you to 23 new upcoming series that are already making our anticipation escalate. Among them are new franchise chapters from Marvel, Star Wars and The Walking Dead as well as the highly anticipated Netflix adaptations from Avatar and One Piece and many more:

Series highlight 2023: Western drama with Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren

1923 – S01 Trailer (English) HD

If you’re missing a couple of long-awaited titles like The Last of Us or Nicolas Winding Refn’s Netflix series Copenhagen Cowboy from our series preview: we’ll present the series delicacies that start in January separately in a January preview.

We have already presented other missing series such as the MCU event Secret Invasion, the samurai epic Shogun and the star-studded HBO miniseries White House Plumbers in a previous series preview in the podcast.

Stream browsing: Your Moviepilot podcast on the best streamed series and films

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Stream rummage, the Moviepilot podcast, is sponsored by MagentaTV, but this does not change anything for you in terms of content. MagentaTV is Telekom’s TV and streaming service, which bundles television in HD quality and streaming on one platform. Here you can conveniently use the entire entertainment program via a user interface.

New on MagentaTV in December: A Spy Among Friends

A Spy Among Friends – S01 Trailer (German subtitles) HD

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MagentaTV is also available independently of the Internet provider as an app or stick, in connection with streaming services at an attractive discount price – can be flexibly canceled on a monthly basis. All further information about MagentaTV can be found here.

Which new series are you most looking forward to?
