Walt Disney‘s animation Pinocchio The story of a wooden boy brought back to life, thanks to the success of his movie, Carlo Collodi’s PinocchioHe continued to be popular 139 years after publishing his novel The Adventures of .
Netflix’s director Guillermo del ToroHe has a Pinocchio movie of his own. This stop-motion animation has long been a passion project for del Toro. And by looking at the trailer you can tell you know the story but it will unfold new secrets there is.
Perhaps the biggest difference in Disney’s Pinocchio, Geppetto’s (David Bradley) grieving father who was once his own son is the idea. The trailer hints that Pinocchio’s soul was borrowed from someone else, and that it was made from a tree that grew near the tomb of Geppetto’s late son.
If Pinocchio could stay out of trouble, a second chance to be a father gain Geppetto It would be a dream come true for him. And Pinocchio’s famously loose relationship with reality makes his nose grow even longer.
Ewan McGregor, trailer Sebastian J. Cricket and describes as Pinocchio Gregory Mann as Count Volpe, Christoph Waltz as Count Volpe, Pixie With Turquoise Hair Tilda Swinton as, Candlewick Finn Wolfhard as, Podestà as Ron Perlman and The monkey sprezzatura Cate Blanchett will star. Tim Blake Nelson, Burn Gorman, and John Turturro also have undisclosed roles in the film.