Netflix Prices Halve!

Netflix Prices Halve

Netflix, the most popular digital platform of today and the world, has recently increased its prices in our country and around the world. Especially the raise he made received a lot of reaction in our country. And according to the information received, Netflix prices are reduced by half!

Netflix and Disney Plus have been in a perfect race lately, while Disney Plus wants a cheaper subscription fee than Netflix, Netflix is ​​asking for almost twice the price. As you already know, Disney has surpassed Netflix in subscriber count.

As you know, according to a news published by the New York Times, Netflix wants to launch its advertising subscription service at the end of this year. One of the biggest reasons for this is that for the first time in its 10-year history, there has been a decrease in the number of subscribers instead of an increase.

Not only Netflix is ​​switching to an advertising subscription service Disney Plus announced that it will switch to an advertising subscription service in the same way.

Finally, the exact price that will decrease Netflix prices has not been determined, but according to the information received. Advertised subscription price to be launched by Netflix 7 to 9 dollars between them is planned. This is the desired entry level Basic package. your $15 equals half. In our country, it is estimated 20 TL among the forecasts.

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