Netflix, plea deal with the Italian taxman: € 56 million paid

Netflix plea deal with the Italian taxman E 56 million

(Finance) – Netflix he decided to negotiate with the taxman for the missed payments of the taxes due. The Californian company closed the dispute with the Revenue Agency by paying approximately 55 million and 850 thousand euros in a single solution. This is how the front tax following the investigation of the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Milanese Gdf for failure to return income. In the meantime, the Group has opened an operational office in Italy since 1 January 2022.

The “multinational group at the end of the phase assessment tax conducted by the Inland Revenue, proceeded to the total payment and in a lump sum of € 55,850,513 by way of taxes, penalties and interest to settle any pending with the Italian tax authorities for the period from October 2015 to 2019 ” , reads a note signed by the Milan prosecutor Marcello Violet.

In the survey – unlike others inquiries tax Milanese who have concerned Apple, Google or Facebook -, Netflix is ​​contested “one stable organization occult of a foreign company operating in the digital economy“, for the first time also at an international level,” completely devoid of personnel and characterized exclusively by an advanced technological structure “. Structure that according to the Milanese Public Prosecutor,” would have been exclusively enslaved to the performance of key corporate functions for the management of its own business on the territory of the State “.

Since last January 1st Netflix has formed a company “under Italian law which has begun to stipulate the contracts and invoice the fees deriving from the subscriptions signed with national users. This will determine the taxation in Italy of the income produced by the sale of subscriptions to users residing in the national territory “, reads the note from the Milan prosecutor.
