Netflix is ​​bringing back one of the best fantasy movies of your childhood – but you’ll hardly recognize it

Netflix is ​​bringing back one of the best fantasy movies
Matilda is an absolute cult classic of many childhoods. Netflix puts the fantasy story around the supernatural girl in the oppressive atmosphere of a brutal school now up again. And as a musical. There is a first trailer.

Check out the first trailer of Netflix’ Matilda here:

Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical Official Teaser Netflix

Netflix brings back fantasy cult as a musical – with a Marvel star

Judging by the trailer, Netflix’s musical will also follow Roald Dahl’s novel quite closely. There, young Matilda rebels (in the Netflix musical: Alisha Weir) with her classmates against the gloomy austerity at her school.

Netflix brought a lot of star power on board. Acting legend Emma Thompson (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) the bad headmistress will play Miss Trunchbull, Lashana Lynch (Captain Marvel) the good-natured teacher Miss Honey.

When is the musical remake of the cult classic coming to Netflix?

As can be seen from the trailer, the Matilda musical is intended to “Holiday Season“, so around the Christmas holidays 2022, come to Netflix. If that’s not a nice streaming gift.

Is Netflix still the best streaming service?

Netflix is ​​in its first really big crisis. In the Moviepilot podcast, we talk about the various problems that led to this.

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Are you looking forward to Netflix’ Matilda musical?
