Netflix has just presented Spirit Crossing, its first massively multiplayer online game, Spirit Crossing. At the crossroads of Animal Crossing and Zelda: Breath of the Wild, this MMO promises long hours of relaxation with friends.

Netflix has just presented Spirit Crossing its first massively multiplayer

Netflix has just presented Spirit Crossing, its first massively multiplayer online game, Spirit Crossing. At the crossroads of Animal Crossing and Zelda: Breath of the Wild, this MMO promises long hours of relaxation with friends.

It has been several years now that Netflix has launched its gaming division. Indeed, since November 2021, it has offered mobile games – on Android and iOS – at no additional cost or advertising. All subscribers to the streaming platform, whatever their formula, can take advantage of this video game service without additional cost. The catalog now has a hundred titles, ranging from recreational games to adaptations of franchises like Stranger Things And Squid gamepassing by real nuggets already praised on PC and consoles, as Spiritfarer Or Unknown soldiers: brothers in arms (See our article).

The streaming platform is still looking for the winning formula. Thus, since last year she has been testing the possibility of playing her video games on TV using a smartphone as a controller – ten titles are available in Cloud Gaming from PCs or connected TVs. She still spends a milestone by revealing, on the occasion of the Game Developers Conference 2025, her first multiplayer online game, Spirit Crossing. This MMO COSY (relaxing), developed by the Spry Fox studio, promises an enchanting world populated by cute pastel creatures.

Spirit Crossing: an open-world and cozy game to play with friends

Spry Fox, one of Netflix’s internal game studios, was already at the origin of the very good Cozy Grovewho joined the Netflix catalog in 2022. He puts the cover with Spirit Crossingwhich appears as a clever mixture ofAnimal Crossing,, Stardew Valley And The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildwith a touch of Miyazaki. Here, no competition or frantic clashes, everything is done to offer a most relaxing moment of play: pastel graphics, dreamlike world, exploration in open-world, decoration, line fishing, restful soundtrack, friendships to develop …

According to Netflix, players will be able to build their house and village, make friends, create objects, participate in improvised dancing evenings and musical sessions and above all, explore “Wild nature by hovering, climbing, building or trampoline”precise the press release. We find a system of climbing and para-disposal similar to Breath of the Wildassociated with the usual mechanics of farm games and other Cozy Games.

Spirit Crossing Will be the first MMO of Netflix, and above all an exclusivity of the platform! This means that the only way to play it will be to subscribe to SVOD. If the game is a success, it could become a beautiful marketing argument. There is not yet an official release date, if not before the end of the year. The most in a hurry can discover the game in preview by registering for the closed alpha test via this link.
