NetEase acquires Quantic Dream

NetEase acquires Quantic Dream

The developer of popular titles will officially become the Chinese company’s first European studio. NetEase announced that it has started the acquisition of Quantic Dream.

NetEase, Quantik Dreamagreed to purchase for an undisclosed sum. In a press release by the Chinese company, the Paris-based studio, which is the developer of popular productions (Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human and Beyond: Two Souls), announced that it will continue to operate independently after the acquisition.

Quantic Dream will be the first step into Europe for the Chinese company

This acquisition revolutionizes the company’s growth plans, especially as it will make Quantic Dream the first NetEase studio based in Europe. This acquisition, which came after the devastating news about the studio in the past days, is both a breath of fresh air for the studio and a good step forward for the Chinese company. Recent reports have claimed the studio has officially a toxic workplace culture. It was stated that he had serious problems in attracting talents in the face of fierce competition. This purchase has been a very good resource for Quantick Dream’s new games, Star Wars: Eclipse, which they are working on.

“We are delighted and excited to embark on an exciting new phase of growth with Quantic Dream, with shared vision, mutual trust and respect,” said William Ding, NetEase CEO and director. “At NetEase, we will continue to deliver on our promise to support Quantic Dream to realize its full potential,” he continued.

David Cage, founder and CEO of Quantic Dream, added: “Today is an important milestone for our studio after a quarter of a century of full independence. Action will be taken to distribute a significant portion of the money offered to us to our employees who believed in us and continued on their way. This is a testament to our commitment to reward everyone who has made us the successful studio we are today.
