Netanyahu said ‘The job is done’, he put the last point! Will the government fall in Israel?

Netanyahu said The job is done he put the last

On the agenda of the summer term opening of the Israeli Parliament (Knesset), there was the issue of the “fall of the government” under the prime ministership of Naftali Bennett, who lost the majority in the Assembly last month with the withdrawal of the support of a right-wing MP.

Naphtali Bennet

According to the news of the Yediot Ahronot newspaper, Bennett said at his party’s caucus, “We must do our best to preserve and perhaps expand the government and the coalition.” said.

Stating that political instability is not healthy for the country, Bennett said, “We are facing a great wave of terror. We need this ship to sail steadily and take responsibility. It is very important to strengthen the coalition.” he said.

“Israelis are afraid to go out”

In his speech at the General Assembly, Netanyahu argued that the current government has become dysfunctional due to the “deep political crisis” and does not fight terrorism.

Addressing Bennett, Netanyahu said, “This is over, Naftali. Israelis are afraid to go out on the streets. The short and corrupt adventure of the government you preside is over.” used the expressions.

It is stated that Likud Party leader and former Prime Minister Netanyahu is trying to overthrow the government and seize power by holding early elections again.

The 120 deputies in the Knesset are split in half between the Bennett government and the opposition parties.

While the Times of Israel news site argues that Bennett’s government will lose its majority if the United Arab List, which has 4 seats in the Knesset, withdraws its support, the Israeli opposition is said to still need some votes to overthrow the government.

The Israeli government has been accused of failing to prevent attacks targeting Israelis since March.
