Netanyahu met with leaders of Ukraine, Germany, England and Italy

While the conflicts between Israel and Palestine continue, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s diplomatic traffic continues unabated. Netanyahu discussed the latest situation in the region in his phone calls with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskiy, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
In the statement made by the Prime Ministry, it was said: “All leaders expressed their unequivocal support for Israel’s right to defend itself to the extent necessary.”
In his statement after the meeting, Zelenskiy said, “We stand in solidarity with Israel, which suffered from a large-scale attack, and express our condolences for the many victims. It is important to ensure cooperation between the Israeli police and Ukrainian diplomats regarding the security of Ukrainian citizens in Israel.”


In his statement, Scholz stated that he assured Netanyahu during the meeting that Israel’s security is the cornerstone of Germany’s policy, and said, “We will act accordingly.”

Stating that he planned to meet with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Scholz said that he would support Egypt in mediation and tension reduction efforts. Scholz stated that he would also have a telephone conversation with the leaders of the USA, France and England to evaluate the situation in the region and said: “It is clear that we condemn Hamas’s actions in the strongest terms, but above all, we are doing our best to prevent this attack from turning into a fire that will have incalculable consequences for the entire region, and this “We warn everyone who is in this situation,” he said.


In his statement after the meeting, Zelenskiy said, “We stand in solidarity with Israel, which suffered from a large-scale attack, and express our condolences for the many victims. It is important to ensure cooperation between the Israeli police and Ukrainian diplomats regarding the security of Ukrainian citizens in Israel.”


Hamas’s military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, launched ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ against Israel yesterday morning, and Israel responded with ‘Operation Iron Swords’. So far, 370 people, including 20 children, have died and 2,200 people have been injured on the Palestinian side in the clashes.

On the Israeli side, 600 people lost their lives and a total of 2,156 people were injured, 20 of them seriously. Israeli officials announced that at least 100 Israeli citizens were held captive in Gaza.

