Netanyahu has stepped back! Israeli Defense Minister Gallant reinstated

Netanyahu has stepped back Israeli Defense Minister Gallant reinstated

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a press conference on the latest terrorist attacks and national security issues in Israel. Saying that Israel is under terrorist attack, Netanyahu blamed the previous government for the attacks and claimed that the previous government encouraged Israel’s enemies and showed weakness. “The number of terrorist attacks doubled during the previous government. The previous government delivered gas fields to the enemy without receiving anything in return,” Netanyahu said.

Blaming the opposition leader, former Prime Minister Yair Lapid, for the attacks, Netanyahu said: “I am not acting hastily. I act decisively and above all I act responsibly. Israeli people, I am telling you tonight, we will reject these threats and defeat our enemies. We have done this in the past and we will do it again.” “We will re-establish deterrence, we will eliminate the losses we inherited,” he said.


After announcing on March 26 that he fired Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who opposes controversial judicial reform, Netanyahu stepped back and announced that Gallant would remain in his post. Stating that he did not take the decision because of the protests, Netanyahu stated that he could not give details about everything that was done for Israel’s security.


Answering a question to far-right Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir about the endorsement of the “National Guard” promised if he supports the delay of controversial judicial reform, Netanyahu said the guards were “necessary”, “no one will have militias” and “responsible, decent He stated that he would be a professional security force.


Reacting to Netanyahu’s remarks, former Prime Minister Yair Lapid said: “Instead of holding a press conference and blaming others for the problems caused by his extremist and failed government, it’s time for[Netanyahu]and his ministers to stop whining and finally take responsibility.”


Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, on the other hand, called Netanyahu’s speech “unleaderful and shameful”, dismissing the previous government’s accusation that the maritime border and gas deal with Lebanon undermined Israel’s deterrence. “The deal was with Lebanon, not Hezbollah, and what Hezbollah is doing now has nothing to do with this deal. It’s time to lead, not blame others,” Bennett said.
