Netanyahu fires Defense Minister who opposes controversial judicial regulation

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In a written statement from the Israeli government press office, it was stated that Netanyahu fired Gallant. Gallant’s replacement or other details were not disclosed.

On the other hand, the Netanyahu government in Israel announced that the bill that will allow the government to have a say in the appointments of the committee in the selection of Supreme Court judges in the controversial judicial regulation will be brought to the Parliament for the first vote tomorrow. In order for the bill to become law, it must pass three votes in the Assembly.


Former Prime Minister Yair Lapid, leader of the main opposition, said after the Defense Minister’s dismissal, “Netanyahu now poses a threat to Israel”.

Israeli media reported that protests were held around the houses of lawmakers and ministers from Netanyahu’s party, Likud. Hundreds of demonstrators opposing the government’s judicial regulation, with Israeli flags in their hands, blocked the Ayalon Highway, the main artery of the capital Tel Aviv, to two-way traffic.


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has called on the government to stop the controversial judicial regulation that has led to a political crisis and mass protests in the country.

“The division within the country has penetrated deeply into the Israeli army and defense organization. This is a clear and great threat to Israel’s security. I will not allow it,” the Defense Minister said. he said.

The call of Defense Minister Gallant was also supported by Likud.

Likud lawmakers Yuli Edelstein and David Bitan joined Gallant, calling for a halt to the bill and for dialogue.

The Israeli media claimed that Likud Deputy and Agriculture Minister Avi Ditcher also expressed his opinion to stop the judicial regulation of the government. In his statement, Ditcher announced that he was in coordination with Netanyahu and the government.


Minister of Justice Yariv Levin announced on January 5 that they were planning a “judicial reform” that would limit the powers of the Supreme Court and reduce the influence of the judiciary on the selection of judges.

The moves of the coalition government led by Netanyahu to transfer some of the powers of the judiciary to the Parliament caused tensions between the government and the Israeli judiciary, especially the Supreme Court.

The Israeli Supreme Court, which acts as the highest judicial authority in the country, has the power to overturn the laws passed by the Assembly on the grounds that they are contrary to the “fundamental laws” accepted as the constitutional draft.

The Netanyahu government stated in the judicial regulation it announced that the Supreme Court’s authority to overturn the laws passed by the Parliament would be largely taken away.

The judicial regulation of the government, which restricts the powers of the judiciary and envisages the power to have a say in judicial appointments, was heavily criticized within Israel and internationally.

The alternative bill presented by President Isaac Herzog, warning the parties of “civil war”, was also rejected by the government.

Thousands of reservists in the Israeli army, affiliated with units such as fighter pilots, submarine officers, cyber security experts, and special forces, announced that they would not continue their duties or attend training if the government implemented the controversial judicial regulation.

In Israel, domestic and foreign intelligence agencies and employees of other security institutions also announced their objections to the government’s judicial regulations.

Despite the ongoing debates and reactions, the bill that “makes it difficult to dismiss the prime minister” within the scope of “judicial reform” was passed by the Parliament on 23 March.

The bill, which is scheduled to be brought to Parliament tomorrow, envisions the government to have a primary say in the nomination of Supreme Court members so that it can nominate the Supreme Court President.

The Netanyahu-led coalition may risk losing a majority in the House to pass the controversial judicial package if Gallant and other Likud lawmakers who call against the judicial regulation withdraw their support from the government. (AA)
