Nervous pregnancy (phantom): causes, how to know?

Nervous pregnancy phantom causes how to know

Convinced of being pregnant despite a negative pregnancy test, some women experience what is called a nervous pregnancy or “phantom” pregnancy. No embryo has developed yet all the symptoms of pregnancy are present. How to explain this phenomenon ? What are the causes and symptoms? Answers with Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

To be pregnant without being pregnant, it’s a bit like definition of a nervous pregnancyalso called pseudocyesis or “phantom pregnancy”. Concretely, no egg has been fertilized, so there is no pregnancy, but the woman feels all the symptoms of early pregnancy. It is above all a psychological disorder. What are the causes of a nervous pregnancy and how to explain this situation? Symptoms, duration, treatment… Update on the nervous pregnancy or phantom pregnancywhich can also affect men, with the expertise of Anh-Chi Ton, a liberal midwife.

What is a nervous pregnancy?

nervous pregnancy occurs in some women, sometimes young women, but also and especially in older women. “These are women who think they are pregnant, when they are not. It is a very psychological phenomenon”, explains the midwife. It is thus a “imaginary pregnancy”, so without an embryo. No fertilization has taken place, despite the fact that they present all the symptoms suggesting a pregnancy.

“These are women who think they are pregnant, when they are not.”

What are the symptoms of a nervous pregnancy?

The first signs are identical in appearance to those observed during a normal pregnancy. “Women who have a nervous pregnancy will develop symptoms, such as a large belly, late menstruation, nausea, vomiting, etc.” lists the specialist. Some women may also gain weight (particularly in the belly), have an increase or loss of appetite, stomach pain, back pain or swollen legs.

What are the causes of a nervous pregnancy?

These are the hormones that play a decisive role in the onset of a nervous pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is indeed regulated by hormones that are normally produced under the influence of the hypothalamus. It is this gland in the brain that governs ovulation. Under the effect of significant stress, the hormones essential to the proper functioning of the cycle are no longer secreted. This is what leads to a disturbance or even an absence of the rules. These hormonal imbalances will also be the cause of nausea and stomach aches, are the main symptoms of pregnancy.

Why do these women think they are pregnant?

Different feelings can cause a nervous pregnancy. Fear and the desire to have a baby can each trigger it. Even if each story is different, it seems that it is rather the people who have excessive fears who are affected:

Desire for a child

When a woman has a strong desire for children, she can for example unconsciously force nature and see different pregnancy symptoms appear. She will thus have the impression of being really pregnant.

Fear of getting pregnant

There fear of getting pregnant can also be the cause of an “imaginary pregnancy”. The symptoms will appear under the effect of nervousness and anxiety. This concerns both young girls, young women and older women. With contraception, however, this phantom pregnancy has practically disappeared. In another case, theenvy and fear can intertwine. The woman may want to be pregnant but dread the different stages of pregnancy. There Phantom pregnancy allows him to face his fears, but without the baby.

Hormonal imbalance?

There is another possibility. A woman who has various health problems such as hormonal disorders or dysfunction of the ovaries, can for example, sometimes, show symptoms of pregnancy. If these symptoms occur, it is in any case necessary to consult a doctor to identify their origin.

Decline in fertility and menopause

This phenomenon can also occur in mature women who have a decline in fertility and approaching the menopause. They can apprehend and resent these different stages. They then feel the need to awaken their femininity by giving birth one last time. But they do not feel able to start again. The impossibility of mourning maternity or psychological work around it can cause the appearance of different symptoms.

Diagnosing a nervous pregnancy is quick since all you need to do is take a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy is very nervous, the test will be negative.

Nervous pregnancy and positive pregnancy test

Sometimes the pregnancy test is positive even though there is no embryo in the uterus. Indeed, the strong influence of the mind on the hypothalamic hormones (gonadotropin levels) can distort the results and give a positive result. If in doubt, make an appointment with your gynecologist for him to carry out a medical examination. He can give you an ultrasound that will prove whether or not you are having a psychological pregnancy.

How long does a nervous pregnancy last?

A nervous pregnancy can last a long time, the time it takes for the woman to recognize that she is not pregnant. It can also last a few days until the menstruation arrives”, points out Anh-Chi Ton. It appears that pregnancy symptoms disappear gradually and naturally as soon as awareness has taken place.

What treatment should be put in place in the event of a nervous pregnancy?

Nervous pregnancy being a mental disorder, there is no specific treatment to cure it. If detected, a psychological support however, may be necessary. If the person is not taken care of, the announcement of not being pregnant can cause great suffering and greater physical upheavals. Moreover, she can relive the same event later. Other problems (family, behavioral problems, etc.) may also be linked to the nervous pregnancy.

Can men have a nervous pregnancy?

We often talk about nervous pregnancy in women, but the companion of a pregnant woman may also be affected. We will then talk about “couvade”. The man may have classic symptoms of pregnancy: weight gain in the belly, nausea and vomiting, sudden food cravings, increase or loss of appetite, mood swings, swollen legs or back pain. Generally, these symptoms appear during the first trimester of their partner’s pregnancy, and can manifest themselves even more intensely towards the end of pregnancy. After childbirth, they disappear.

What triggers couvade symptoms in humans?

These symptoms often have a psychological origin. The future dad may not feel able to take on a child, may not feel ready, may be afraid of being left out or has a strong desire to be involved in his partner’s pregnancy. Also, it can refer to childhood trauma and identity issues. If there is no “treatment” to fight against the effects of couvade, it is not necessary do not hesitate to talk to a doctor as well as your partner. Talking about it and being aware of it can help alleviate the symptoms.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, liberal midwife in Paris.
