Neighbors Day 2024: 5 good reasons to participate

Neighbors Day 2024 5 good reasons to participate

NEIGHBOURS DAY. This Friday, May 31, 2024, Neighbors Day is a good opportunity to strengthen ties between neighbors and to fight against individualism. Discover the 5 good reasons to participate!

[Mis à jour le 31 mai 2024 à 14h00] Designed to fight against individualism in big cities, the Neighborhood Day is not a vulgar neighborhood party. First of all, it will perhaps be an opportunity for you to have a pleasant surprise, to meet people more interesting than you thought. And yes, it is high time togo beyond appearancesto discover the true personality of the slightly grumpy granny on the 5th floor or the slightly sassy musician on the ground floor.

Secondlyif you are a fan of the stove, you will finally be able to share your latest culinary success (revisited olive cake, tiramisu with speculoos, etc.). Thirdly, advice to athletes! Do you love playing basketball in the courts near your house but you don’t have a playing partner? You never know, it might be an opportunity to find a teammate! Fourth, don’t forget that the notion of solidarity can be created between neighbors and this can prove very useful. Who knows, the neighbors with whom you have made friends will be able to help you out from time to time, watch your children, repair a plumbing problem? Fifthany excuse is good to have a drink, right?

What is the origin of Neighbors’ Day?

Created in 1990 by Atanase Périfan through his association “Paris d’amis”, the event aimed to bring together urban and rural residents around an aperitif or a meal. Similar initiatives already existed in France in many cities well before 1999. But the Fête des Voisins “institutionalized” this event, which even began to be relayed by municipalities. Proof of the success of the operation: it goes beyond borders, now being taken up in Belgium, Canada, Turkey and hundreds of European cities (where it is called “European neighbors’ day”).

With this Neighbors’ Day, Atanase Périfan is campaigning for “local solidarity” in the face of a “consumerist society” which “generates isolation and indifference”. The founder of the Fête des Voisins explains in a press release that “there is a real difficulty, even relational suffering. And not just among the elderly… And yet, there are sources of generosity among the residents.”

Neighbors’ Day is a friendly moment, an opportunity to break the ice and get to know those who live near you better (all the information on the official website) ! Discover below a funny slideshow which demonstrates the humor (sometimes very offbeat) that neighbors can show among themselves:

What do the polls say about Neighbors’ Day?

Before the health crisis, the Budget Maison site carried out a survey of 1,568 French people about their relationships between neighbors. It turns out that they can be passionate… or stormy. For half of the people surveyed, the main sources of tension between neighbors are noise. In fact, 52% of respondents are bothered by daytime and nighttime noise, 38% by arguments from their neighbors, 21% by annoying parking, 12% by lovemaking and 11% by invasive animals. Finally, 9% consider their neighbors too intrusive. 73% of respondents have encountered major problems with one of their neighbors, amounting to a verbal altercation for 38% of cases, a complaint or hand-wringing for 32% of cases, and intervention by the police or gendarmerie for 21% of cases or threats for 9% of cases.

And what are the qualities that make a “good neighbor”? 51% of respondents cited services that they can return, 23% cited friendliness, but also discretion for 12% of them, followed by solidarity for 8% then by politeness for 6% of the remaining votes. 59% of respondents have established a real friendly relationship with their neighbors (51% call them by their first name) while 51% say they do not share good times with their neighbors. Another not the least juicy revelation: 19% of respondents have already had a romantic affair with their neighbor and 5% have formed a couple with one of them. Note also that more than a third of respondents (39%) have already fantasized about their neighbor! Another Kantar TNS study for Verisure showed that 9 out of 10 French people trust their neighbors, particularly to monitor their home in their absence (65%).

Neighbors Day at work

If this derivative of Immeubles en fête briefly existed between 2012 and 2014, the Neighbors at Work Day has been back since 2018! At its beginning, this meeting was organized in October by the Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion (then chaired by Gérard Mestrallet, CEO of GDF Suez) and consisted of meeting employees of the same company or employees of companies sharing the same office building. Today, it has taken another form under the leadership of Immeubles en fête. Atanase Périfan initiated the Neighbors at Work Day for the first time on the La Défense square in 2012 with Gérard Mestrallet. In an unstable economic context where pressure is increasing day by day, the idea of ​​the “Neighbors at Work Day” is based on a conviction: the true wealth of the company is, above all, human capital. and well-being at work.

When is Neighbors’ Day in 2024?

The Neighbors’ Day has been systematically held on a Friday since 2010. Before this date, Neighbors’ Day was held on Tuesday. The change in timing is rather opportune for all residents who do not work on weekends and who can thus benefit later from this moment of sharing. In 2024, Neighbors Day is scheduled for this Friday May 31. Concerning times, Neighbors’ Day generally takes place from 7 p.m. But the residents of each neighborhood or building are of course free to do as they wish!
