The public is invited to attend a neighborhood meeting on Thursday to hear details and ask questions about development plans for the former Arrowdale golf course property.
The City of Brantford has received applications for a zoning bylaw amendment, official plan amendment and a draft plan of subdivision for the property at 282 Stanley St. and the vacant lands fronting Elgin Street.
The subject lands are located on the north side of Elgin Street, west of Stanley, and a portion of land adjacent to Campbell Street.
The deal closed in August 2022 to sell nearly 32 acres of the municipally-owned former golf course property to Elite MD Developments for $14 million. Proceeds from the sale will be used to build affordable housing elsewhere.
Branford city council voted eight to three to sell the property in August 2020 over the objections of some residents who wanted it to remain a municipally-owned and operated golf course.
In total, the proposed development for the land will consist of 750 residential units, including 40 single-detached dwellings, 163 three-story freehold townhouse dwellings, 114 three-storey stacked townhouses, 18 three-storey townhouse blocks, a six-storey residential apartment building with 141 units, an eight-storey residential apartment building with 274 units, and various privately-owned, publicly-accessible open space areas.
A notice signed by the city’s Ward 4 councilors, Richard Carpenter and Linda Hunt, said additional information will be available at Thursday’s meeting, which will be held in the council chambers at city hall at 6 pm
“As your ward councilors, we will be in attendance along with city planning staff and the applicant/agent to answer any questions,” said the notice sent to area residents.
The meeting will be held both in person and virtually. Members of the public are invited to participate in person, in writing, via email, by telephone or electronically.
The meeting will be live streamed online. To access the live stream, go to www.brantford.ca/planningmeetings
Comments can be provided in writing or via email in advance of the meeting. Written comments can be submitted by emailing [email protected] any time prior to the meeting. Comments received prior to the meeting will be relayed at the public hearing.
The public can also participate through Zoom. Pre-registration is required by 4:30 pm on Wednesday by emailing [email protected]
To participate via telephone, call 519-759-4150, ext. 5546 or 5727. Registration must be done by 4:30 pm Wednesday.
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