negotiations for a future coalition promise to be complicated

negotiations for a future coalition promise to be complicated

In Austria, the day after the victory of the far right in the legislative elections, the country is wondering about the face of the future government.

1 min

With our correspondent in Brussels, Isaure Hiace

The far-right FPÖ party in Austria is certainly at the top, but he is very alone. With its score of 29% obtained this Sunday, the FPÖ calls on other parties to start discussions with it. But all political groups have ruled out negotiating with Herbert Kickl, the leader of the far right, whose radicalism is repulsive.

Only the Conservative Party is open to discussions with the FPÖ, but without Herbert Kickl. The possibility of an alliance between conservatives and the extreme right, which has already existed twice in the past, therefore remains possible, but we wonder how the question of the leader of the FPÖ could be resolved.

Experience of compromise

The other scenario would be an alliance between the conservatives and the social democrats. The two parties have strong differences, especially on economic policy, but they have ruled Austria jointly for many years and therefore have experience of compromise.

According to the results, which are still provisional, they would have a very narrow majority in Parliament, which is why a third party, the liberal party Neos, could be added to this alliance to form a three-way coalition, unprecedented in Austria. The discussions which will begin in the coming hours therefore promise to be very open and uncertain.

Also readIn Austria, historic victory for the far right
