Negative performance for the squares of the old continent

Negative performance for the squares of the old continent

(Finance) – Difficult session for Piazza Affariwhich trades in sharp decline, in agreement with the other continental lists, which suffer substantial losses.

Weak session forEuro / US dollar, which trades with a drop of 0.54%. L’Gold it is down (-1.13%) and stands at $ 1,909.5 per ounce. Deep red for oil (Light Sweet Crude Oil), which continues trading at $ 98.13 per barrel, a sharp decline of 3.86%.

Salt it spreadsettling at +173 basis points, with an increase of 8 basis points, with the yield of the ten-year BTP equal to 2.63%.

Among the European lists letter up Frankfurtwhich registers a significant drop of 1.57%, falls Londonwith a drop of 2.06%, and collapses Pariswith a decrease of 2.21%.

In Milan, a sharp decline in FTSE MIB (-1.72%), which reached 23,863 points, continuing the series of three consecutive declines, which began last Thursday; along the same line, the FTSE Italia All-Sharewhich continues the session at 26,131 points.

Downhill the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-1.21%); in a similar direction, the FTSE Italia Star (-1.79%).

Between best performers of Milan, in evidence Leonardo (+ 0.94%), Is in the (+ 0.67%) e Banco BPM (+ 0.59%).

The strongest sales, on the other hand, show up on Tenariswhich continues trading at -4.56%.

Sales hands on Interpumpwhich suffers a decrease of 3.85%.

Bad performance for Monclerwhich recorded a decline of 3.68%.

Suffers CNH Industrialwhich shows a loss of 3.66%.

Single mid cap stock in Milan, MARR gets a + 2.76%.

The strongest falls, on the other hand, occur on Alerion Clean Powerwhich continues the session with -4.53%.

Black session for Ferragamowhich leaves a loss of 4.41% on the table.

At a loss Salcef Groupwhich falls by 4.04%.

Heavy Biessewhich marks a drop of -3.53 percentage points.
