Negative European stock markets, weighed by hawkish Fed comments and geopolitical fears

Negative European stock markets weighed by hawkish Fed comments and

(Finance) – Negative session for Piazza Affari, which trades in sharp decline, in agreement with the other continental price lists, which suffer significant losses. They weigh the increase of tensions in the Middle East hey new cautious tones from Fed officials regarding rate cuts; in particular, Neel Kashkhari (Atlanta Fed) went so far as to state that the bank could leave monetary policy unchanged for the whole year if inflation were to prove more persistent than expected.
On the macroeconomic front, in Germany in February industrial orders rebounded less than expected: +0.2% m/m, against +0.6% expected and -6.2% previously; in the same month in France industrial production showed a similar dynamic, recording an increase of +0.2% m/m against an estimated +0.4% and -0.9% in January. Mixed numbers for retail salesEurozone in February. Today’s focus is on the March employment report of the United States.

No significant changes forEuro / US Dollar, which trades on the day before at 1.084. Substantially stable thegold, which continues the session at the levels of the day before at 2,292.3 dollars an ounce. Session in fractional decline for the petrolium (Light Sweet Crude Oil), which leaves, for now, 0.03% on the list.

It goes up spreadsettling at +139 basis points, an increase of 3 basis points, with the yield of the ten-year BTP equal to 3.74%.

Among the European price lists prey to sellers Frankfurtwith a decrease of 1.37%, sales are concentrated on Londonwhich suffers a decline of 0.97%, and sales up Pariswhich recorded a decline of 1.39%.

Black day for Milan Stock Exchange, which sinks with a decline of 1.68%; along the same lines, the FTSE Italia All-Share, which continues the session at 36,073 points. Negative the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-1.06%); on the same trend, negative variations for the FTSE Italia Star (-1.33%).

Pink sweater among the FTSE MIB stocks to show a good gain, ENI obtains a +0.96% (launches new buyback for 1.1 billion euros in 2024).

The worst performances, however, are recorded on MPS Bank, which gets -4.30%. Negative session for Unicredit, which shows a loss of 3.39%. Under pressure Banca Popolare di Sondrio, which suffered a decline of 3.16%. It slides Intesa Sanpaolowith a clear disadvantage of 3.15%.

Between best stocks in the FTSE MidCap, GVS (+1.33%) e Rai Way (+0.59%).

The strongest sales, however, occur at Alerion Clean Power, which continues trading at -5.45%. In red Fincantieri, which highlights a sharp decline of 3.73%. The negative performance of OVSwhich drops by 3.50%. Believe me drops by 2.54%.
