Negative calorie foods: what is it, list, does it exist?

Negative calorie foods what is it list does it exist

By definition, a negative calorie food consumes more calories to be digested than it provides. But is it a myth or a reality? What are these foods? Meat ? Is it dangerous for health or good for losing weight?

The name intrigues, even makes you dream. But do negative calorie foods really exist? By definition, a negative calorie food is a food that requires more energy to digest and metabolize than the energy it contains. What are they ? List and discovery with our dietitian-nutritionist.

What is the definition of a negative calorie food?

By definition, “a negative calorie food is a food that consume more calories to be digested then metabolized as the number of calories it provides“, indicates from the outset Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist. The name can be confusing because in realitythere are no foods with 0 calories or less.It’s just the body that will work differently depending on the food and who will sometimes have to spend more energy to assimilate them“However, it is true that some foods require more energy to digest than the energy they provide. dproteins that require a lot of energy to digest. A gram of protein contains 4 calories and to assimilate a gram of protein, the body must expend 8 calories. This will therefore create a calorie deficit. It must be understood that proteins are a chain of amino acids. And to be digested, the body must “cut” this chain and it takes a lot of effort. It is for this reason that high-protein diets such as Dukan are particularly effective in weight loss (but not without risk, editor’s note). This type of diet increases the body’s energy consumption.“, continues our interlocutor.

What is the list of negative calorie foods?

Negative calorie foods are generally foods very high in protein And low in fat and carbohydrates or foods said to “neutral calories” which provide almost no calories, if any at all, but which will create a caloric deficit in order to be digested. There aren’t many foods like this“. We can cite :

  • THE White Ham
  • THE seitan
  • THE tofu
  • THE White fish (pollock, cod)
  • THE konjac (neutral calorie food)

→ What about fruits and vegetables?Even fruits and vegetables which contain a lot of water and therefore few calories, such as watermelon for example which is composed of about 95% water, are not negative calorie foodsbecause they provide some carbohydrates which, unlike proteins, are very easily digested. In the same way, lipids are very easy to digest compared to proteins“, explains our expert.

Does eating negative calorie foods make you lose weight?

If we stick to the literal definition, a negative calorie food would contribute to weight loss. Eating it would allow you to be satiated without providing calories, or even to burn them. but in fact, we cannot eat these foods exclusively because they do not provide all the energy our body needs. In the case of a high protein dietthe weight loss will certainly be rapid but not sustainable.

Is it dangerous for health?

As always, diet should be about balance. There should be no excess one way or the other. “Consuming only or too much of negative calorie foods is not good for health. This can cause eating disordersof the constipation problems and have effects on the kidneys or digestion. To function properly, the body needsan appropriate and sufficient caloric intake, provided by a diversified diet“concludes our expert.

Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist.
