Need to pee often? Then you may need to seek medical attention

Need to pee often Then you may need to seek

Do you have a tendency to wake up at night and feel an urgent need to go to the toilet? Or are you one of those people who visit the toilet before you leave home, just in case you need to use the toilet once you’ve left home?

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Then you may have an overactive bladder

Regardless of what you identify with, it can be habitual behavior. However, it is not a healthy one as continuous visits to the toilet can contribute to an overactive bladder, writes Apotek Hjärtat in a press release.

An overactive bladder can contribute to, for example, nightly visits to the toilet, as well as going to the toilet before leaving home.

In a survey conducted by Apotek Hjärtat, 4,208 people between the ages of 18 and 64 were interviewed to find out what proportion of the population has an overactive bladder.

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Do you go to the toilet often? Then you may have an overactive bladder. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT Every second Swede goes to the toilet during the night

It then turns out that three out of five Swedes, corresponding to 56 percent of the respondents, go to the toilet and urinate before leaving home, even if they don’t necessarily need to.

– A normal peeing pattern usually involves around four to eight toilet visits per day. But if you start visiting the toilet more often, our bladders are quick to adapt to the new pattern. This risks, among other things, affecting sleep negatively, says Annika Svedbergchief pharmacist at Apotek Hjärtat in the press release.

What does the toilet routine look like for the Swedish people? Well, it turns out that going to the bathroom at night is very common.

  • 21 percent of Swedes find it difficult to hold back if they need to pee.
  • 48 percent, or every second Swede, goes to the toilet in the middle of the night.
  • 20 percent of Swedes go to the toilet more than eight times a day.
  • – To break a habitual behavior of continuous toilet visits, one tip is to try to increase the time you stay every time you feel the need to urinate. During the visit to the toilet, it is also important to try to empty the bladder completely.

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    Then you may need to see a doctor

    According to 1177 you may need to seek care for your overactive bladder if it affects your everyday life. It could be, for example, that you have suffered from uterine prolapse, prostate enlargement or if you have a disease that affects the nerves, for example Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS, or Parkinson’s disease.

    It may also be the case that there are psychological reasons, that you have damaged a nerve in the lower part of the body or that you are using medication that affects the bladder.

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