Need to find an observation course for a second student? There are several platforms to help you in your search in order to obtain the precious internship agreement. It’s time to get started!
In high schools, June is traditionally reserved for the first and the terminals, which pass the bac events. In order to prevent the seconds from being found with three months of vacation, the government set up in 2024 a period of observation internship in a compulsory professional environment. For two weeks, from June 16 to 27, 2025, all high school students from a general and technological second, educated in public and private establishments, will therefore be under observation in a company, association or public administration, in order to conclude the school year.
A measure which aroused (and still arouses) of controversies when it set up, the members of the national education pointing the difficulty in putting it in place as well as its uselessness. Fortunately, there are certain solutions to give students and their parents a little boost.
1 student, 1 internship: the government platform for seconds
To help secondary students find an internship, the government has set up a platform named after “1 student, 1 internship”. First open to businesses so that they can submit their offers there, it is now accessible to secondary students, but also to middle school students having to do an internship, since February 13 so that they can start their research now.
Its operation is simple. Just create an account in a few clicks, enter your postal code as well as the number of kilometers of the search department so that the platform displays a card and the various announcements offered in this area. The announcement then indicates the goal of the internship, the progress of the week, the schedules, the duration and the place of the lunch break, as well as the number of available positions. It only remains for the student to click on “apply” and to follow the progress of his candidacy. In the event of hiring by the company, he may even sign the internship agreement via the digital platform.
The government platform is not the only way to find a second internship. Indeed, ten regions of France mobilized to offer a unique digital regional service in partnership with academic services, consular chambers and professional organizations. You will find the list of regions concerned as well as the link to their site on
Another solution is to call on those around you, whether family, friends or teachers. Word of mouth is often very effective. Besides, it can be interesting to use their LinkedIn network, which can sometimes do wonders. Otherwise, nothing beats spontaneous candidates with companies, associations or public establishments. There is often a dedicated section on websites, but sometimes the best is still to move directly.