Nectarine: what is it?

Nectarine what is it

With the sin and the nectarine, the nectarine is a sweet fruit that can be eaten all summer long. smooth-skinned, color white or yellow, with a central core, this fruit brings freshness to the palate.


The nectarine (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) is a member of the Rosaceae family (Rosaceae). This fruit which grows on a nectarine tree comes from a natural mutation of the peach.

Botanical description of nectarine

This tree fruit tree develops green foliage and spring flowers, between February and April. It is covered with many round or flat fruits all summer long. The nectarine has a smooth skin, devoid of down, unlike the peach, which can be yellow or white, depending on the variety. In the middle is a core covered by white, yellow or bloody flesh. Its flesh is a sweet mixture of sugar and acidity. Here are some varieties:

  • ‘Amsden’: fruit with white flesh;
  • ‘Nectared’: fruit with yellow flesh;
  • ‘Sanguine d’Auvergne’: fruit with red skin and flesh;
  • ‘Nectarella’: yellow fruits. Dwarf variety that will do well in pots.

Origins of the nectarine

The nectarine is native to China.

Nectarine cultivation requirements

The nectarine is a fruit tree that is planted preferably in autumn or in spring, in isolated subject or in an orchard. Install it at Sun and sheltered from winds. Plan a hole larger than the root ball, a earth garden enriched with compost and well draining then a good watering. Know that if you have a balconya terrace or a small city garden, the nectarine will also do well in a large pot. Choose smaller or dwarf varieties like ‘Snow baby’ or ‘Garden Beauty’.

Resistant, it does not fear frosts down to -20°C in winter but does not withstand spring frosts which can destroy an entire harvest by burning the pink flowers. Prefer to plant it in a region climate soft. Stake its trunk for the first few years to keep it straight. In times of strong heatbring water regularly and mulch. In fallfertilize the foot with compost or well-ripened manure. The nectarine tree needs a spring pruning in March so that it produces more beautiful and larger fruit. The harvest takes place from June to September, depending on the early or late varieties and the growing regions.

Use of nectarine

This fruit can be stored at room temperature to develop its taste qualities. Like many fruits, nectarines are eaten plain. You can prepare gourmet desserts such as a tartlet, a fruit salad, a pie, a clafoutis, turnovers, a sorbet or half-baked nectarines. For original recipes, put a few quarters of nectarines in a mixed salad or accompany a filet mignon. Associate it with aromatic like mint or rosemary for amazing appetizer skewers.

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