Nearly half of French people would make this change in their relationship if they became rich!

Nearly half of French people would make this change in

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    What would the French do if they became rich? A survey looked at the vision that couples have regarding divorce, according to different financial aspects. Here are their answers, more or less surprising!

    Recently, the online savings management start-up Yomoni conducted a survey of 2,165 people to better understand their financial perception of divorce. Quite surprising results which show the main fears of the French on the subject. Here’s what the survey says…

    Wealth, a path to tranquility?

    According to surveys, almost one in two French people (47%) say that if they became rich, they would want to divorce to change their life. A majority observation whatever the generation! While the most reasonable people are those of Generation Z with 43% representation, 51% of Generation X say they are capable of leaving their significant other after winning the lottery. Furthermore, 15% of French people choose not to comment on the question… an answer that says a lot!

    A procedure with an overestimated cost

    One reason for this observation: most people overestimate the cost of a divorce. Indeed, when asked what the cost of a divorce is (per person) according to them, the French, all generations combined, are for the most part far from the mark. Indeed, for a contentious divorce by legal procedure (breakup, fault or alteration of the marital bond), 35% of French people think that it is necessary to spend between €8,000 and €10,000. In reality, this type of procedure costs between €2,000 and €8,000.

    This is also the same observation for divorces by mutual consent. More than 34% of those questioned estimate the cost between €6,000 and €8,000, while it is much lower and is more likely between €1,000 and €4,000.

    As a result, more people overall (60%) want to favor divorce by mutual consent. A decision which would also be more affirmed among Generation Z (68%) than among Baby Boomers (54%).

    Lack of money, a barrier to divorce

    In conclusion of this survey, it is indeed the lack of money which most constrains couples not to divorce, in general. 49% of them are therefore held back by the financial factor, even when nothing is going well around them. Behind this criterion, we find that of having built bonds and memories together at 47%, then that of being afraid of being confronted with solitude at 40%.

    It is also Generation Z who places lack of money in first position in the ranking of factors preventing them from divorcing. Generation X and baby boomers, for their part, are more concerned about age and loneliness.

    10 tips for a successful divorce

    Slide: 10 tips for a successful divorce
