Nearly half a million displaced people roam the Gaza Strip

Nearly half a million displaced people roam the Gaza Strip

This is a new humanitarian tragedy for a vulnerable population who have suffered war for almost eight months. Nearly half a million displaced people are wandering in the Gaza Strip, looking for a place to take refuge. They left the town of Rafah, where the Israeli army has concentrated its operations for a week. These civilians were ordered by the army to settle in Khan Younes and al-Mawassi. These towns in the Gaza Strip were until now abandoned because they were devastated by the bombings.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa and our collaborator in Gaza, Rami Al Meghari

With his sons and grandsons, Abdel Fattah Sharafi plants stakes. They try to erect a makeshift tent to accommodate the whole family. “ Originally I am from al-Shati, near the town of Gaza. Almost eight months ago, we were displaced in Rafah where we lived in a tent. And then four or five days ago, we had to flee again. The army asked us to leave for Deir al-Balah or al-Mawassi, but we could not settle there », he mentions.

It is impossible to camp on ruins and rubble. So the family continued towards the center of the Gaza Strip. Here, individuals have made their land available to accommodate these displaced people. “ We can’t take it anymore. We are physically, mentally and morally tired. This is not a life. This war has destroyed our health. You can imagine in what conditions my grandchildren grow up », says Fatima, the grandmother, indignantly.

Every night I pray for God to protect us »

The grandchildren of Abdel Fattah and Fatima are prostrate. “ Traumatized by months of war », said the grandmother. “ We left Rafah in a hurry, after being woken up by bombings. There was shooting everywhere. We escaped by miracle. There is no longer any safe place here. Every night I pray for God to protect us », she adds.

The Sharafi family wishes they could return home to seaside al-Shati in northern Gaza. “ Even if our house was destroyed by a strike, at least we will pitch our tent on land that belongs to us », they finish.

Read alsoWar in Gaza: “The only deaths recorded today are those that are visible”
