nearly 24 billion euros of Russian assets immobilized by France

the yachts of the oligarchs in the sights of Western

Following the war in Ukraine, Bercy continues to track down the heritage of Russian oligarchs and personalities targeted by European sanctions. The Ministry of Economy and Finance has published a new list of sanctions imposed on certain Russian oligarchs.

Precisely, it is 23.7 billion euros of Russian assets on French territory that have been immobilized, according to Bercy. In detail, 22.8 billion euros have been blocked in the French accounts of the Central Bank of Russia, to which are added 178 million euros in various bank assets.

Abramovich particularly targeted

In addition, the Ministry of Finance proceeded to the “freezing” of 33 real estate assets, including 19 civil real estate companies. Russian billionaire Roman Abramovichpresident of the Chelsea club and owner of a dozen properties on the Côte d’Azur and the West Indies is particularly targeted.

France has also immobilized four freighters, four yachts, the last of which, Tuesday April 12, in Marseille, for a value greater than 125.2 million euros. Six helicopters worth more than 60 million euros and the equivalent of 7 million euros in works of art are also concerned.

The “freeze” is a temporary limitation

It should however be remembered that the “freezing” consists of temporarily limiting the right of access to the assets and property of their holders but does not in any way dispossess them of their title of ownership.

On the European side, EU countries announced on Friday that they had frozen at least 29.5 billion euros in Russian and Belarusian assets as part of the sanctions adopted following the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
