near the front in the northeast, the grueling evacuation of a retirement home

near the front in the northeast the grueling evacuation of

Fighting continues in Ukraine, particularly in the northeastern Kharkiv region, where Russia launched an offensive almost three weeks ago. Faced with the threat of Russian troops and bombs, the Ukrainians evacuated the most fragile from the villages near the front, and in particular the elderly. RFI followed a Red Cross mission on site.

2 mins

With our special envoys in the Bohodoukhiv region, Nathanël Vittrant, Bertrand Haeckler and Andrii Kolesnyk

The objective of this mission is to go to one of the villages near the front line. Igor is the leader of this evacuation mission. “ Today, he explains, We are evacuating around thirty elderly people, some with disabilities and difficulty getting around. »

The retirement home in Ukraine is about fifteen kilometers from the Russian border. On the road, we come across minefields. When the convoy arrives, the staff is gathering the residents’ belongings. The latter are very old, sometimes in wheelchairs, like Mykola, who lost a leg. His voice chokes as he speaks to us.

We felt so good here, the staff took such good care of us, it was perfect. I didn’t want to fucking leave. We’re happy here, it’s our home.

And then there is Vira, 83, wrapped in an elegant green coat. “ I’ve lived here for ten years, I was good. I came because I have difficulty breathing and I often have a lot of pain. I buried my husband. I was good here. What are we going to become ? », she asks. These babushkas are like our real grandmothers, said a caregiver, consoling her.

Stay united and supportive and everything will be fine. I love you all !

Oxana is the director of this retirement home. Her eyes reddened when she saw her residents leave. “ I hope the trip goes well, she says. They are very worried. We too are very worried, we were a big family. » She cries, before composing herself.

The important thing is to preserve life and that is what we are doing today.

Through the window, trembling hands gesture goodbye. Misty eyes observe one last time this house where they thought they would end their days. The bus starts. We remain with the bitter observation that in times of war, dying in peace is forbidden.

Read alsoIn Ukraine, Kharkiv retreats without reassuring residents
