Near death after accident with electric scooter – unknown boy thanks for his life

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– It hurts me to see people riding two or three on the same electric scooter and not wearing a helmet, he says.

Bleeding from the head

What was supposed to be just an ordinary journey home from work was very close to being Arvid Sundquist’s last journey. an remembers calling his partner to say he fell and was bleeding – but after that he doesn’t remember anything.

– When my partner arrived at the scene, I was bleeding profusely from the head and next to me was an 8-year-old boy who told me that his mother taught him that it is dangerous to fall asleep if you hit your head, so he made sure that I could not sleep.

Want to thank the boy

– I want to send a huge thank you to the unknown boy. I am absolutely certain that without his efforts I would not be alive today.

Arvid was treated at the academic hospital in Uppsala in the intermediate care department of neurosurgery. He is still suffering from the accident and urges more people to think about safety.
