Navalny faces more charges in a new criminal case — the court rejected complaints about prison conditions

Navalny faces more charges in a new criminal case —

Navalny’s total sentence could rise to 30 years if he is convicted of a new criminal case.

12:30•Updated 12:54

Russia’s most famous opposition politician Alexei Navalny has received new charges in a criminal case involving crimes committed by Navalny while in prison.

They tell about it, for example Mediazona (you switch to another service) and human rights organization OVD-info (you switch to another service). The charges were announced on November 9.

According to Mediazona, nine charges have been added to the criminal case brought against Navalny. At the end of October, the authorities announced that they had opened a new investigation into Navalny’s alleged crimes.

According to the Russian authorities, Navalny is suspected of inciting terrorism and financing extremist activities. The crimes took place while Navalny was in prison.

Last February, Navalnyi was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for parole violation. Last March, he was sentenced to nine years in prison for embezzlement and contempt of court.

Kovrov’s court dealt with Navalny’s complaints

Yesterday, the Kovrov City Court considered two appeals filed by Navalny. One of the hearings concerned prison conditions and the other the restriction imposed by the authorities on doing business with a lawyer.

During the court session, a member of Navalny’s defense Olga Mihailova pointed out that Navalnyi has not been able to familiarize himself with the charges because he has been denied the right to deal with a lawyer in private.

At the request of Navalny’s defense attorneys, the court agreed to temporarily lift the restriction on communications between Navalny and his lawyer.

However, Kovrov’s court rejected Navalny’s appeal about prison conditions for the second time.

Navalnyi is serving a total of 11 years in a maximum security prison for parole violation, embezzlement and contempt of court. With the new criminal case, his total sentence may increase to 30 years.

Navalny’s assistant Kira Jarmyš told in October that Navalny is kept in solitary confinement almost constantly.

After August, Navalny was practically completely banned from communicating with the outside world.

Navalny has said that all the charges against him are completely fabricated.
