Naughty Dog is working on its new project

The Last of Us Remake release date and platforms leaked

According to Neil Druckmann, who was a guest of a Youtube broadcast yesterday, Naughty Dog has already started its new project.

“Naughty Dog has already started its new project,” Naughty Dog Co-President Neil Druckmann said in a YouTube live broadcast yesterday. The director, who did not provide information about the new production, said that they decided as a team for the production to be produced for PS5 and chose the production that excited them the most.

Naughty Dog’s new project has not been announced yet

Kinda Funny Druckmann, who is a guest on the program called, gives information for about an hour. Among the information given, he also states that the company has been restructured to allow it to develop several projects simultaneously. He also added that the studio now has a large number of producers, game directors and writers, making it more organized overall.

Although the name of the aforementioned new production is not given, it has already started to be discussed on many platforms. Although the players are mostly focused on The Last of Us: Part III, there is no clear explanation yet. However, if we consider the words of the director, we can think that several different productions can be announced at the same time or at short intervals.

Druckmann acknowledged that there was a pretty big demand for a third game, and given the TV show’s tremendous success, it seems hard to imagine anything else.

You can watch the entire video below:
