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On the occasion of World Pain Day on October 18, focus on three natural methods to fight against everyday ailments.
About twelve million French people, or nearly one in five people, suffer from chronic pain, according to data collected on the occasion of the release in 2017 of a white paper on pain. The latter would constitute the first reason for consultation in the emergency services and with the general practitioner.
In case of pain, the first reflex is to take analgesics. But natural solutions exist to relieve yourself.
For this first solution, we turn to a practice that dates back more than 4,000 years. It is about meditation. In the case of treatment, it is mindfulness mediation. It consists of being attentive to the present moment, identifying what is happening within oneself, namely one’s thoughts, emotions and sensations. The practice also requires being aware of what is happening in one’s immediate environment, such as noises and smells. The idea is to accept them with kindness. According to several studies, meditating could reduce the intensity of pain and have an analgesic effect.
abdominal breathing
With stress and our ever faster lifestyles, we tend to forget the essential: breathing. When you feel pain, the body tends to tense up and the breathing jerks and accelerates. This can increase fatigue, cause numbness, muscle tension and increased heart rate. “Abdominal breathing (through the belly) helps bring breathing back to a normal rhythm and helps to reduce these unpleasant sensations”, explains the Joining forces to manage chronic pain on its website. To practice it, keep your back straight and relax. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest to feel the breath. Take a long breath in through your nose, while inflating your stomach, then exhale while drawing your stomach in. Repeat this action for 5-10 minutes.
In case of pain, it is possible that an essential oil can relieve you. Headaches ? How about trying peppermint? The menthol present in this essential oil gives it an analgesic power. It is to be applied in small quantities to the temples, wrists or even on the forehead. Its refreshing smell makes it a perfect ally in case of fatigue. In case of minor health concerns, you can slip a essential oil selection in your medicine bag.