I had “the best sleep ever,” says a health coach.
In France, around 1 in 5 people suffer from chronic sleep disorders, especially women around menopause. We speak of a sleep disorder when a person complains of having poor sleep or of not being able to fall asleep. “We can all be subject to a sleep disorder during our lives. But it becomes problematic when these disorders take hold, multiply, and become chronic. Dr Nicolas Vitello, neurologist and sleep doctor, explained to us in a previous article. But before resorting to medicinal or psychological solutions such as hypnosis or sophrology, sleep experts suggest eating a very specific food before falling asleep.
“This food naturally contains a good level of melatonin” argues Dave Gibson, osteopath and sleep coach, in an interview for Vitabiotics, relayed in the New York Post. Melatonin, nicknamed the “sleep hormone”, is a small molecule synthesized in our brain, whose soporific action helps you fall asleep. But if the pineal gland produces lower levels of melatonin than needed, falling asleep is delayed and sleep is impaired. On the other hand, when we eat a food rich in melatonin, “the latter is absorbed into the bloodstream, then passes to the brain where it can help synchronize our biological clock” and therefore sleep better, continues the sleep expert.
Several foods such as eggs, fish or nuts help boost melatonin levels. But one of the best foods would be pineapple, a fruit that contains a good dose of tryptophan, a precursor to melatonin. In addition, this fruit contains magnesium, a mineral which promotes muscle and nervous relaxation, but also vitamin B6, a vitamin which supports the release of melatonin and serotonin, the other hormone essential for falling asleep. So, if you’re having trouble falling asleep, “you can eat a slice of pineapple 1.5 to 2 hours before bedtime“, because the peak of melatonin release occurs around 2 hours after consumption, explains the expert. This solution has been tested and approved by many consumers. “Eating pineapple before bed gives me the best sleep ever“, said Valérie Ribon, health coach, on her TikTok account. Despite everything, if sleep problems persist, it is better to consult a doctor who will offer you a suitable solution.