Natural beauty: three reasons to fall for hazelnuts

Natural beauty three reasons to fall for hazelnuts

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    Hazelnuts don’t just add flavor and crunch to sweet dishes. Rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and omega-9, it is also beneficial for health and for the skin. In the form of oil, it can even work miracles in terms of hydration, healing, and slowing down skin aging. Three good reasons to adopt it.

    Who says natural beauty routine, says grandmother’s recipes and remedies. Since the pandemic, the public has been looking for more ingredients graciously offered by Mother Nature to concoct their own beauty recipes, or to take advantage of oils or other cosmetics that are less harmful to health and skin. A good reason to rediscover the benefits of certain fruits, vegetables, plants, or seeds, which are as accessible as they are affordable. At the dawn of autumn, we became interested in the virtues of hazelnut oil, an elixir with a thousand and one virtues.

    Healing and restorative

    Combination and oily skin generally dreads – and rightly so – oils that can promote the formation of blackheads, some of the most dreaded blemishes. But some oils, on the contrary, present themselves as allies of choice for so-called problem skin. This is the case of hazelnut oil, non-comedogenic, which on the contrary helps regulate excess sebum, tighten pores, and therefore fight all types of imperfections. And to top it off, it is known for its restorative and healing properties, allowing acne-prone skin to regain its radiance. Something that also works perfectly to fade stretch marks.


    If you want to rid your bathroom of extended formulas that no longer inspire your confidence, hazelnut oil will be ideal to replace your moisturizer. Rich in essential fatty acids, it deeply nourishes the skin and protects it durably, without leaving a greasy film. Ideal for all skin types, from the driest to the oiliest. Note that hazelnut oil also helps prevent dehydration. It can therefore be used to combat certain problems, but also to prevent them.

    A makeover

    Rich in phenolic compounds and vitamin E, powerful natural antioxidants, the hazelnut can in the long term help fight against skin aging, and reduce the signs of aging. This requires daily application of hazelnut oil to the entire face, or more locally to the eye contour. To associate with other vegetable oils, or essential oils, to reinforce its many benefits.
