NATO’s battle group trains here in Slovakia

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Around 1,500 soldiers from various countries have been deployed in a new battle group along NATO’s eastern flank in Europe. The soldiers have had to learn to work together faster than ever before.

Ladislav Bujárek, commander of NATO Slovakia, emphasizes the importance of good cooperation and likens it to an orchestra.

– It’s like being the conductor of an orchestra when all the instruments are tuned to play music. It is not always so easy to put everything together, he says.

“Slightly changed situation”

Previously, it was mainly American soldiers who led the NATO exercises that were supposed to protect western Germany. Now German soldiers protect Eastern Europe.

– It is, of course, a somewhat changed situation. The borders have been moved east. But basically it’s the same mission, says Christian, group leader for the German Armed Forces.

Russian missiles striking Ukrainian cities have sharpened the focus on anti-aircraft defenses.

– When it comes to ballistic robots, a system that reaches higher and further is needed. There are gaps in our capabilities, and we have learned that from the war in Ukraine, says Dirk Kraus, Colonel, German Armed Forces.

See more of the NATO exercise in the clip above.
