NATO, NATO application, Ulf Kristersson, Hungary, NATO membership

The announcement from the Prime Minister comes just over two weeks after Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán invited Kristersson to a meeting in Hungary.

In his invitation, Orbán emphasized that he wants the visit to take place before Hungary approves Sweden’s NATO application, but according to Kristersson, there is no point in that.

– I replied that we have many things to talk about, but those things will become natural to discuss when we are members, says Kristersson.

“It takes time to find time in the calendar”

Exactly when the visit will take place has not yet been decided. According to the prime minister, a process is underway to find a date.

– It sometimes takes a little time to find time in the calendar for two prime ministers.

Kristersson also underlined that the issue of Sweden’s NATO membership has been finalized with Hungary.

– There is nothing to negotiate regarding NATO membership, and I was clear about that. However, we have a lot to talk about. A very underrated thing is the fact that both Sweden and Hungary use the JAS 39 Gripen. We have very good reasons to discuss that.

The ruling party abstained from voting

Sweden’s NATO application was supposed to be on the agenda of the Hungarian parliament during an extraordinary meeting on Monday, but two days before the ruling party Fidesz announced that it would not participate in the vote, making it impossible.

Since Turkey’s President Erdogan signed Sweden’s NATO application, Hungary is the only member country that has not yet approved and given the thumbs up to Sweden.
