NATO: Climate change makes the Alliance’s military operations difficult

A large part of Europe’s military forces are adapted for a climate that we no longer have. Even today, large parts of the military ability to problems are exposed. It shows, among other things a report from NATO which contains several examples.

Among other things, heavy rain for radar systems makes it difficult, warmer air makes it more difficult for aircraft to act and higher water temperature impairs the opportunities to track hostile submarines.

According to NATO’s Deputy Secretary -General, James Appathurai, it is in a hurry for the allies within NATO to adapt.

– We need to consider the climate based on its impact on military efficiency, he tells SVT.

“More deadly on the battlefield”

The Army in the United States has worked with climate adaptation for several years. As early as 2022, the goal was set to electrify all non-combat military vehicles and reducing the dependence on fossil fuels by building local electricity grids. In many cases with renewable energy such as sun and wind.

Although it often means a reduced climate impact, military efficiency is the goal and not concern for the environment. “It’s about being easier, faster and more deadly on the modern battlefield,” notes Richard Zilmer, a general who has been driven in introducing renewable energy sources, in a Cut on Youtube from 2019.

Research: Is a Gap

When it comes to EU countries, it looks worse when it comes to military climate adaptation. It shows a study published in The scientific journal “Climate Risk Management”. Sweden has also been included in the review.

The researchers behind the study believe that there is a gap between the risks that the defense sector is facing and the measures that are actually implemented.

“No nation stands alone”

According to James Appathurai, it is in a hurry for the NATO member states to carry out adaptations. He hopes that countries can take advantage of the opportunity for cooperation.

If a country has access to modern equipment or innovative materials, it can be spread throughout the alliance, he says.

– So there are many benefits to being part of NATO, even in this area, no nation is alone.

During 2024, the Armed Forces in Sweden decided to initiate a study of how the weather of the future affects various military operations.
