NATO application: Hungarian government wants to vote

There have been many speculations about when Hungary will vote on Sweden’s NATO application. At the same time as the parliament was in recess, an extra session was held at the request of the opposition. As neither the governing party Fidesz nor their partner party KDNP showed up, the vote could not be carried out.

Fidesz had also not appeared at the meeting when the agenda was set for the extra session, so there was also no opportunity to vote.

– We have seen a series of embarrassing explanations for why Sweden’s application has been postponed, said the opposition MP Ágnes Vadai to TV4 Nyheterna after the extra session.

Want to see Sweden on the agenda

Next week Hungary’s parliament opens and now Fidesz announces that it wants to see Sweden’s NATO application on the agenda and vote on it. In a letter, the party’s spokesperson Kocsis Máté writes that they want to see the issue on the agenda on February 26.

On X, government spokesperson Zoltan Kovacs writes that they want to see a final vote on the issue on Monday.

– Finally, it has been a low incomprehensible process from the government, but hopefully we can welcome Sweden to NATO next week. We will be there on Monday and vote yes to the connection, says Ágnes Vadai to TV4 Nyheterna.
