NATO activates against attacks with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons

NATO activates against attacks with chemical biological and nuclear weapons

The NATO is very concerned about the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons what Russia can do in the invasion of Ukraine and the possible consequences that this would have on neighboring countries. For this reason, “the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense elements” of the transatlantic organization have been activated.

And it is that, the warning of a Russian chemical attack in Ukraine It would ‘greatly change the nature’ of waralthough for the moment the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, has not ruled on whether an attack of these characteristics would motivate a defense reaction from the Alliance.

In addition, the 30 Member States put pressure on China so that it does not get involved in helping Russia in the war. Specifically, they ask him to defend the international order and the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to refrain from “support Russia’s war effort in any way” in Ukraine and helping Moscow circumvent sanctions.

“Our message to China is that it should join the rest of the world and clearly condemn the brutal war against Ukraine, and not support Russia, neither with financial support nor, of course, with military support,” Stoltenberg concluded.

Biden urges China to “call for a peaceful end to the conflict.”

The president of United States, Joe Bidenand several of its NATO allies on Thursday urged China to “ask for a peaceful end to the conflict” in Ukraine during the Alliance summit on the Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory.

In this way, it was pointed out by a senior US official, who requested anonymity, in statements to journalists after Biden’s speech at the extraordinary summit of NATO leaders, in which the president celebrated the measures to “strengthen” the eastern flank of the Alliance.

In his speech, which was closed to the press, Biden sent “a very powerful message of support to NATO and reaffirmed its commitment to article 5 of the organization, which would force the US to respond if there is an attack against any member of the Alliance,” the source explained.

“I have had a conversation with the president of China, Xi Jinping, and I made it clear to him that he had to understand the consequences of supporting China. I made no threats, but I made it clear. China understands that its economic future is more related to the West than to Russia. I hope you don’t. We have also talked about NATO and the EU having to create a system that examines who is violating these sanctions,” the US president said about possible Chinese support for Russia. On the other hand, about a possible chemical attack by Russia, Biden has indicated that he would “trigger a appropriate response, but we would make that decision at the time“.

“We want to stop the war”

The President of France, Emmanuel Macronhas appeared from Brussels this afternoon to express his opinion on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: “We want to stop the war without making war, without being co-belligerent. We also want to ensure the safety of our allies.”

“We ask the G7 partners to show solidarity and help us, together with the UN, to share solidarity with refugees, to protect families, women and children, who are subjected to this situation“, has added.
