Native operating system concept from a Turkish designer: AvdanOS [Video]

Native operating system concept from a Turkish designer AvdanOS Video

Turkish designer who has been silent lately Kamer Kaan Avdan, AvdanOS, the domestic operating system concept he prepared today, made a sound.

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Kamer Kaan Avdanprepared the “iOS 13“, “Windows XP 2018 Edition“, “Windows 7 2018 Edition“, “Windows XP Mobile 2018 Edition“, “Windows Vista 2018 Edition” and “Windows 11”, “Android 11“, “Windows XP 2019 Edition“ , “Apple designed Windows 10“, “iOS 14“, “Windows 20”, “Windows 7 2020 Edition” and “Android 12” will be remembered with their concepts. Among these really serious works, there is an eye-catching one today. native operating system concept AvdanOS added.

About the impressive concept you can see this promotional video above Kamer Kaan Avdan made the following statement:Here comes the Concept AvdanOS. Concept AvdanOS is a visual concept that tries to answer questions about what an operating system would look like if an operating system were to be designed in our country, in addition to its vision of a global new generation operating system.

AvdanOS makes the actions we do on our computer faster with its user-friendly design. It shapes the future with its next-generation interface that allows you to perform multitasking faster and more effectively. It was designed by Kamer Kaan Avdan using Adobe XD, Illustrator and After Effects. Real, not a working software


In which we have shown above domestic electric car Togg SUV The concept, which carries a charging detail for the device and makes one say that it will become a working version one day, deserves all the praise. Kamer Kaan Avdan‘s YouTube channel directly from here you can follow. How did Avdan prepare these videos? here and here You can see it from the videos.

Native operating system concept: Besides AvdanOS, this may also interest you: Watch the robots of the future dance
