Nationwide Abortion Rights Demonstrations in the USA

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Rights activists in the United States protested attempts to expand restrictions on abortion rights. Protests attended by thousands of people in many cities across the country are expected to be held on Saturdays every week under the name ‘Summer Fury’ in the coming months.

Led by many abortion advocate groups, including Planned Parenthood and Women’s March, more than 400 protests were held in the capital Washington, as well as in many cities including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, with the slogan “Get the bans off our bodies”.

The protests are held in response to the leak of a draft decision of the Constitutional Court on May 2nd. If the text of the leaked resolution is upheld by the Constitutional Court, the country’s 1973 federal abortion rights law would be overturned, transferring almost entirely the authority to regulate abortion rights and restrictions to state governments.

With the current law of 1973, which is likely to be repealed, the right of pregnant women to have an abortion is protected at the federal level as a constitutional right.

The final version of the controversial draft decision of the US Constitutional Court is expected to be announced in June.

Discussions about abortion rights have once again become one of the main issues in election campaigns in the country.

According to the leaked draft resolution text, conservative Supreme Court judges Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh, in 1973 Roe v. He favors repealing the federal abortion law enacted in the Wade case. Protests have also been held outside Alito and Kavanaugh’s homes since the document was leaked.
