National Suicide Prevention Day: what are the current mechanisms?

National Suicide Prevention Day what are the current mechanisms

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    February 5 is National Suicide Prevention Day. On this occasion, the Ministry of Health recalls that suicide prevention is a “major public health issue” and that many support and listening devices exist on this subject.

    Since the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health has been a major concern. Public Health France is today publishing a series of regional public health bulletins devoted to suicidal behavior and the Ministry of Health recalls that suicide prevention is one of its “priorities”.

    Many actions of the associative sector

    The government therefore recalls that there is a “set of actions in the territories, in connection with many very involved actors, in particular associations“. He quotes in particular:

    • The VigilanS device, created in 2015, which is a recontact and alert device by health professionals, around the person who has attempted suicide. This system exists in 17 regions including 4 overseas and 92 departments;
    • Trainings of “identification, suicide risk assessment and crisis intervention with people in a suicidal crisis” : the people trained can be ordinary citizens or health professionals. The objective is to create a network of resource persons in each region on the subject;
    • The PAPAGENO program, which helps to fight against the risk of suicidal contagion, because “people exposed directly or indirectly to a suicidal event are more at risk of having suicidal thoughts, or even of carrying out the act“, a risk that can be multiplied by four;
    • First aid in mental health: in order to identify and take care of those in pain or in crisis, in order to direct them towards prose in charge.

    The 3114, national number “Suffering and suicide prevention”

    The Ministry of Health also recalls that a toll-free number dedicated to suicide prevention exists. This is 3114, a short number, easy to memorize, free and accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day throughout France (mainland and overseas).

    Fifteen centers in the regions ensure the national response with more than 150 specifically trained hospital professionals (nurses and psychologists) placed under the supervision of a psychiatrist. In total, the number has already received more than 235,000 cumulative calls since it was set up.

    This phone number allows you to provide an immediate response:

    • People in psychological distress and at risk of suicide;
    • To those around people at risk of suicide;
    • To bereaved by suicide;
    • Professionals in connection with suicidal people who wish to obtain advice, specialized advice.

    Finally, remember that France, with 9,200 deaths by suicide each year, mainly men, has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. Although, nuance the Ministry of Health, “we observe since 2000 its regular decline”. He therefore calls to continue to “to dare“talking about this subject, which is often still taboo.
