National ice day in Sweden – the first time since 2021

National ice day in Sweden the first time since

All of Sweden is in the freezer.

The first national ice day since 2021 has been measured in Sweden.

– We don’t have plus degrees, says SMHI meteorologist Emma Rosengren.

Four of the last five winters there have been no national ice days.

But now the trend is broken.

Between Thursday at 19:00 and Friday at 19:00, the temperature has never been above 0.1 minus degrees at any of SMHI’s measuring stations.

It was very cold in Kvikkjokk-Årrenjarka, where the temperature was measured at minus 40.3.

– The warmest today was in Fårösund with minus 1.8 degrees, says Emma Rosengren.

Although the ice day has been conspicuous by its absence in recent years, it is nothing unusual, says the meteorologist.

full screen In Kvikkjokk, the temperature was measured at minus 40.3 degrees. Photo: Simon Eliasson

The record during severe winter

Between 1991 and 2020, we had an average of 2.6 national ice days per year. During the very severe winter of 1984, however, a total of 25 occurred.

– It happens a couple of times a winter, since some winters we don’t get any, says Emma Rosengren.

Before milder air sweeps over Sweden next week, another couple of ice days can wait, according to SMHI:

– It will continue to be cold during the weekend so there may be more here during Saturday or Sunday before the mild air comes in. There could be two more, she says.

full screen Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT
