National Education in the street against Covid-19 protocols

National Education in the street against Covid 19 protocols

Strike throughout France within the National Education. They express their dissatisfaction with the management of the Covid-19 crisis in schools, colleges and high schools, after a chaotic return to school. Demonstrations were organized this Thursday, January 13, 2022 in the country.

In Marseille, a procession made up of 2,200 people, according to the police, marched in the morning. Those who participated wanted to express their fed up with the teaching conditions which have deteriorated since the start of the health crisis.

Nathalie is a teacher in Marseille. She is tired of having to apply a health protocol that changes all the time. This completely disrupts the life of the establishment, she explains to our correspondent on site, Yoram Melloul.

Hours are staggered. There are parents who no longer know what time the canteen is, what time there is no canteen; there are parents who have the children who arrive tested, but it’s too late the children can no longer go to the canteen. So the parents keep going back and forth, and it’s actually chaos. Faced with this, we have a minister who is in total contempt, who sends us the health protocol the day before, or in the press…

Here and there are a few calls for the resignation of the Minister of National Education, Jan-Michel Blanquer. In the procession, education professionals denounce an even more visible lack of resources since the start of the health crisis.

►Read also: The Minister of Education in difficulty following new Covid protocols

Naima teaches in a high school in the northern districts of the city. ” We have no masks, no hydroalcoholic gel, no wipes to clean the tables, a lot of absent students who catch the Covid “, she denounces.

She also has mum’s cap: impossible for her to fight on all fronts. ” Me, my daughter, explains Naima, every day there is a Covid case declared in his class. Well I didn’t wear it for a week. I don’t just have to do that: I work, I raise her alone, I have to go to the lab to do three tests. I don’t have time, what do I do? I can’t manage, I’m exhausted.

At a minimum, she would like FFP2 masks to be distributed in her establishment, and that hydroalcoholic gel be available in all classes.

“How long can we last? “

Thousands of teachers also marched elsewhere in France this Thursday, day of strike in National Education to protest against the waltz of health protocols.

According to the Ministry of National Education, nearly 38.5% of teachers are on strike in schools. The SNUipp, the leading primary and secondary union, announces 75% of strikers. One in two primary schools remained closed, according to the union. In college and high school, the figure is 23.7% according to the ministry, 62% for the Snes-FSU.

►Read again: Massive strike in schools against the Covid protocol and the lack of means

Agence France-Presse gives the floor to Yuna, 30, a college professor in Seine-Saint-Denis, in REP, in Sevran.

We can’t teach properly, concedes the young woman. I never know who I’m going to class with. I have to move forward in the program without half of the students and those who are absent have to follow remotely, on a phone without a good internet connection, it’s not egalitarian.

I am happy to teach in the 93, I am attached to the students, but for two years, I am very tired. I ask myself the question: how long can we last? she wonders.

In Paris, Lucie Bouteloup, from the France service of RFI, met Jonathan, a trainee teacher who came to express his disenchantment in the current context of Covid-19.

I have just entered the profession, and what I realize is that I perhaps idealized this profession of National Education a little.

Jonathan, trainee teacher

“People disconnected from the field”

We are on the 30th protocol since the start of the health crisis “Finally moved Vanessa Cognet, 42, director of a three-class school in Châteldon, a rural town in Puy-de-Dôme. She is being interviewed by AFP.

We are super adaptable, the colleagues are very conscientious. But we’ve only had one bottle of hydroalcoholic gel since the start of the school year for the whole school and a few cloth masks. “, adds the professor. ” I always get information from the press. The instructions arrive in the evening at 11 p.m., to be able to say that we have had them! The protocols are made by people disconnected from the field.

►Covid-19: Jean Castex relaxes the health protocol in schools

Finally, again in Paris, Élodie Jonquet, 34, professor of physical education and sports at the Paul-Bert high school college, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, describes this situation in detail.

For EPS, the rules are just changing, it’s unbearable. Suddenly we go to the swimming pool then no, finally we don’t go there anymore. It is not easy for students to understand. Sport is very important for children, especially in this very difficult time. And doing sports with a mask on your face is hard. Poor people, it’s been going on for two years.

“The government is doing anything”

In the political field, attacks are also in order. Jean-Luc Mélenchon attacked Jean-Michel Blanquer on Thursday without restraint: ” He half demolished the school, but managed to get everyone to agree, it’s not bad. Such a moron is useful. We must give a chance to the good for nothing “Launched the candidate on the sidelines of the Parisian procession.

Anne Hidalgo, for whom also “ the school was badly damaged by the policy of the past five years, also took part in the Parisian demonstration, as did Fabien Roussel and Christiane Taubira. Yannick Jadot, who is asking for a change of minister to be able to restore trust “, marched in Grenoble.

►Watch on RFI : “ With a health protocol changed 4 times, there is a generalized pissed off

The right is no exception. This movement is aimed at this minister as well as this government, insists LR deputy Damien Abad, against ” their Kafkaesque vision of the health protocol! “, he attacks in The Parisian.

As for Éric Zemmour, he considers on France 2 that this mobilization is “ legitimate “, because “ the government does anything and rots the lives of the children first “. ” There is a problem Emmanuel Macron above all “, Inserts the acting president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella.

