National Assembly: Gérald Darmanin calls on socialists to distance themselves from the rebels

National Assembly Gerald Darmanin calls on socialists to distance themselves

12:03 – Marine Le Pen speaks of Laurent Wauquiez’s right as “a model of political fraud”.

For Marine Le Pen, the latest press release from “Droite Républicaine” is “a model of political fraud”. Laurent Wauquiez’s group denounced certain RN votes for LFI deputies during the internal elections of the Assembly. A strategy already explained by the head of the RN deputies, who returns to the withdrawals that took place during the second round of the legislative elections: LR “refused to call for a vote for the RN candidates when they were in the second round against the NFP”, she then insists: “the height of dishonour, (they) usurped in a shameful barter with Macronie, the two positions of vice-president and that of quaestor, which returned according to the regulations of the National Assembly to the National Rally.”

11:37 – Yaël Braun-Pivet wants an “Assembly of additions and not one of divisions”

After long voting sessions in the Assembly on Friday and Saturday, the president of the lower house insists that “the New Popular Front is not in the majority”. The left-wing deputies nevertheless insist on the relative majority they obtained on July 7, but Yaël Braun-Pivet calls for “building a majority”, insisting: “it must be the Assembly of additions and not that of divisions”.

10:52 – LFI has seized the Constitutional Council for the vote of resigning ministers

La France insoumise is contesting the election of Yaël Braun-Pivet to the presidency because of the vote of 17 deputies, who are also resigning ministers. The president of the group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot, explains on X that: “The participation of 17 ministers in the vote for the presidency of the Assembly is a violation of the separation of powers”, before announcing that she had referred the matter to the Constitutional Council. The body had already recalled its incompetence on the subject on Friday.

09:57 – Gérald Darmanin asks the PS to separate itself from LFI

In an interview with the Journal du Dimanche, the Minister of the Interior, who has resigned, took a step towards the left by declaring that the “social question” would be the theme of the new school year. He is even ready to debate on “increasing the minimum wage” which he does not consider to be “a bad debate”. The only condition: that the socialists “break away from LFI and that we put topics for discussion on the table”. He still advocates a rapprochement with the right.
