Nasir, 18, became a hero in an apartment fire: "Lots of smoke – couldn’t see"

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Nasir Muhammed, 18, intervened at an apartment fire in Biskopsgården in Gothenburg. He smelled smoke from the floor below and alerted the neighbors and the emergency services. – I didn’t have time to think, it was only afterwards that the thoughts came, says Nasir in Efter fem. A man was rescued by neighbors and is now being treated in hospital after a severe apartment fire in Biskopsgården in Gothenburg. 18-year-old Nasir Muhammed was resting on his bed when he and his brother smelled smoke and decided to investigate where it was coming from. He opened the window and saw smoke coming from the apartment below. Nasir made sure his family came out and then investigated the apartment that was on fire. – There was a lot of smoke, I couldn’t see much. I shouted to hear if anyone was there. But no one was left. After that, he knocked on the remaining neighbors to warn them and alerted the emergency services. – The first thing I thought of was to alert the others, he says. It was only afterwards that thoughts caught up. – You don’t have time to think when that happens. Watch Nasir Muhammed on the fire in the player above.
