NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope imaged! Oldest known supermassive black hole

NASAs James Webb Space Telescope imaged Oldest known supermassive black

In the news on NASA’s website, it was reported that the oldest black hole discovered in the center of the galaxy CEERS 1019, took shape 570 million years after the big bang and has a mass of 9 million times the sun.

Two more galaxies, estimated to have formed 470 and 675 million years after the big bang, were detected in new images acquired by the James Webb Space Telescope.

It was stated that researchers continue to study the black holes in the center of the two galaxies in question and that the “oldest supermassive black hole” located in the CEERS 1019 galaxy may lose its record in a short time.

Steven Finkelstein, who led the research, said the newly discovered black holes looked like ordinary galaxies in other telescopes before the James Webb Space Telescope.

(Photo source: NASA)

As part of the James Webb Space Telescope’s CEERS research, infrared images and spectrum data taken by the telescope are combined to map the early universe.

It was determined that the oldest black holes detected before the discovery in question were formed 1 billion years after the big bang. (AA)
