Name, mother, age and grandchildren

Name mother age and grandchildren

Steffo Törnquist has son Max Steffensen from a previous relationship

Steffo’s son Max Steffensen was born on December 25, 1987, which means that at Jul 2025 he turns 38. Steffos Max, which occasionally called Mackan of his father, has actually changed last name. Previously, he was called Steffensen, but according to information from the population records as News24 Has taken note of so he has now changed his last name to Törnquist.

Max and Steffo Törnquist. Image source: Instagram/Steffo56

In P4 Extra with Titti Schultz Has Steffo Törnquist talked about how proud he is of his son.

– I am pleased to see the result. Then I think: “I was not so damn cash,” because he is an amazing person, and twice as good as I do. Being a parent is the most difficult mission. It feels like you are doing wrong all the time, he said, something that everyone has reported on.

Who is the mother of Steffo’s son?

Max Törnquist’s mother is called Karin Steffensen And is actually Danish, something that Steffo has revealed on his Instagram.

On Mother’s Day 2020, Max shared a picture of himself with his mother.

Max Törnquist with his mother Karin. Image source: Instagram/Maxtornquiststeffo Törnquist welcomed the granddaughter Leiah in 2023

On July 26, 2023, Steffo Törnquist’s grandchildren was born Leiahas Max has together with the partner Derya Melissa Özgün32. On Instagram it is noticed that Steffo is a very proud grandfather, and he has updated diligently with pictures of his extremely cute grandchildren!

Steffo often spends time with his grandson and finds lots of fun things together! Image source: Instagram/Steffo56

There is no doubt that Steffo likes to pamper Leiah. On his Instagram he has already revealed what to get in student present – namely a specially designed pen from David Oscarson. The pen found in an extremely limited edition costs SEK 72,000 on Pen boutique.

Steffo bought a very cute pen for his grandchild – for almost SEK 80,000! Image source: Instagram/Steffo56steffo Törnquist got bonus children through wife Caroline Törnquist

Steffo and his wife Caroline Törnquist (unmarried Laurin) Has no common biological children. But Steffo, as you know, has his son Max, and Caroline also entered their relationship with children. Caroline has two children since a previous relationship, namely the daughter Amelie And the son Robertwrites Everyone’s.

Steffo Törnquist and Caroline. Image source: Stella Pictures.
